Monday, May 21, 2012

Research - Metaphor & Counselling

I am looking for other therapists to interview about their use of metaphor. I'm delighted that The University of Manchester have validated my doctorate research into the use of metaphor in counselling. I believe that this is a rich and mostly unexplored area and would be interested to hear from you if you are counsellor in practice who has stories of the powerful use (or not) of metaphor in your work with clients. I have written before of my interest in metaphor, psychological landscapes and the work of David Grove for trauma resolution.

I am presenting two workshops on this topic: the first is at The Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy on the 3rd July and then Leeds Counselling Training in January next year. Please contact me if you wish to attend either of these events.

I will be back blogging shortly on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which I find fascinating, freeing and potent.

Jonathan Lloyd

Calm Minds - counselling & hypnotherapy in Bramhall,Stockport.