Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Stage Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

How many times have you considered going to a hypnotherapist to stop smoking or to lose weight and said to yourself "I’m not going to see him, what if he makes me take all my clothes off and dance like a chicken"? This thought process is all too familiar so let me explain in this post why this couldn’t happen.

All hypnosis is in fact self hypnosis. If you do not want to be hypnotised you simply wont be. Nobody can enter a hypnotic state unless they want to you are always in control, you can hear what is being said and you don’t go to sleep.

The keyword there was UNLESS THEY WANT TO. This reason alone is why the people who you see on stage, do in fact dance like a chicken at the hypnotists command. They expect to be asked to do silly things so go along with what they are being asked to do; it’s a bit like karaoke and the early stages of X Factor.

Pay close attention to the stage hypnotists opening speech next time you are at a show and notice they only ask for willing volunteers and will be checking for those that are up for a laugh and to show off. If you don’t volunteer you simply won’t do what is asked of you and this makes you a useless subject for a stage hypnotist as they only want the people who are up for a laugh and want to be the star of the show.

The same principle works at hypnotherapy level. If you go to a stop smoking using hypnosis session and are not completely ready to stop smoking, no amount of hypnotherapy will help you.  

All hypnosis is in fact self hypnosis so if you want to be hypnotised and can follow simple instructions you will be hypnotised and all of the healthy suggestion can be made to your subconscious. It is usually your own words being fed back to you by the therapist.

To experience the power of hypnotic suggestion to stop smoking , lose weight or drop off a phobia then please visit our website at Calm Minds for professional Hypnotherapy Stockport, Cheshire, Greater Manchester.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

I have been helping the people of Cheshire & Greater Manchester lose weight with hypnotherapy for quite some time. What I have noticed is that people who are happy with their weight and keep to a healthy weight don't actually try. They just do things a certain way. The formula for success is actually easy and it's the same formula being used again and again. It's actually all about "habits" and the best way of controlling habits is with hypnotherapy and counselling.

Do you want to stop going round in circles trying to break old habits?
I believe that diets don’t work on a long term basis; they are temporary by their very nature. You need to deal with the emotions involved in what I call ‘dis-comfort eating’ and the subsequent habits that are formed.

Why is that chocolate biscuit singing ‘eat me’ at the same time every night?
Why do I drink lots of alcohol when I feel stressed – which is most of the time nowadays?
What is underneath your eating patterns?

Until you discover them and resolve them you will be caught in the temporary cycle of diet and weight gain. Using counselling once you have discovered this and are able to break the habits of fasting eating, large portions and snacking then weight loss is a natural result of a lifestyle change. No need to obsess about diets – which causes stress – which causes ‘dis-comfort eating’ – which causes weight gain.

The reason hypnotherapy is such a powerful tool for weight loss is its potential to help you build new healthy habits. This is ideal for easy, natural weight loss because it deals with the emotions that cause habits to form subconsciously.

Hypnotherapy can help with weight loss and weight management in many ways by:-

  • Developing a new self image. Improving your self esteem and confidence, you are worth more than your current self image, you are only hurting yourself perhaps because you don’t feel you deserve to be slim and fit?

  • Learn to be more relaxed about weight loss and weight management. Stress is often a serious factor in bad diet and ‘dis-comfort’ eating.

  • Positive thinking about weight and diet. Stop worrying about your weight, it’s the worrying that hurts and causes the cycle to start again!

  • Create a self-fulfilling prophecy. In other words, start to feel better about yourself. This will help you to lose weight and, of course, losing weight will help you to feel even better about who you are and what you can achieve. The whole thing becomes a very positive cycle which goes round and round. Most people expect to have to lose weight in order to feel good about themselves. Interestingly, when you start to feel good about yourself, weight loss, health and happiness often follow.

Losing weight and keeping it off are much, much easier than you probably think...
The healthiest way to lose weight is not the quickest way to lose weight. Crash diets and new, trendy weight loss plans or sudden and drastic increases in exercise are not recommended and most doctors consider such an approach to weight loss to be dangerous.

Most people, when they look back at their weight loss history find that over time they are actually putting weight on. What a contradiction!

So isn’t it time to look at how weight loss is affected by your emotions and change the habits and cravings. If you live in Stockport, Cheshire or Greater Manchester now is the time to give me a call and find out how counselling and hypnotherapy can help you lose weight.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hypnosis and fear of flying

I recently flew back from Spain, having endured a restless ten hours in the airport with little sleep waiting for my delayed flight to depart at 4 am.

I did hear of a lady that spent the whole flight back to Manchester with her head in her hands suffering from anxiety all of the way back home. It must have been an awful experience for her, and how brave she was to get on the plane in the first place.

It is a shame however that she didn’t see a hypnotherapist before she flew. In my experience hypnotherapy is very effective for people with any phobias, but particularly flying.

I have helped people from all over Cheshire and South Manchester with this issue and two or three sessions of hypnotherapy normally gets the person quite happily on the plane and enjoying a new found sense of freedom.

In the majority of cases, a traumatic experience on a flight or something associated with the experience of flying can start the fear, which seems to get worse as time goes by. Until you do something about it that is, and in my experience hypnotherapy for flying is extremely successful.

It is also not always about flying itself; sufferers also express problems with motorway driving, bridges, heights and enclosed places. A feeling of being out of control when flying is also relayed by a number of my hypnosis clients.

The subconscious is at play here, doing what it thinks is best for you. You have been frightened before so it will create an anxiety about returning to this ‘dangerous place’.

Very useful in our caveman days, to stop you going back to the place where you were attacked by the sabre-tooth, but not useful today.

So, has anyone talked to your subconscious and explained that it is a really safe way to travel, and you can remain calm and in control when you are on a plane? If the answer is no and you live in South Manchester or Cheshire then maybe it’s a good time to give me a call. Cure the phobia of flying with hypnotherapy.